Hot, Smooth, Elixir of Life: Coffee (or Joe as we like to call it). We take deep care in our product all the way from the roasting, to the brewing, to your cup. Whether the coffee originates from Kenya or Colombia we make sure that we are only serving the highest quality brews. Fresh? The beans are roasted on site! We don’t outsource, and we believe the quality speaks for itself. We hope you’ll make us the destination for your morning ‘cup of joe’.

LATTE – ‘Canyon Espresso Blend’, and steamed milk
CAPPUCCINO – ‘Canyon Espresso Blend’, and equal parts steamed milk & foam
MOCHA – Latte with either dark or white chocolate
CAFE AU LAIT – Two-thirds fresh brewed coffee, one-third steamed milk
KARMA-LATTE – our Caramel latte, where 10% goes towards a local organization. True caramel sauce, espresso, and steamed milk
AMERICANO – ‘Canyon Espresso Blend’ diluted with hot water to the strength of brewed coffee
ESPRESSO – Highly concentrated coffee served alone
EYE OPENER – Fresh Brewed coffee topped with espresso
BREVE – Latte made with half & half in place of milk
CHAI LATTE – A rich blend of black teas and spices mixed with steamed milk
CORTADO LATTE – Espresso, brown sugar, vanilla, steamed milk, cinnamon sugar on top
CUBAN CORTADO – Equal parts espresso and steamed milk. The espresso is extracted through brown sugar.

We offer any of our ‘Barista Drinks’ over ice!
ICED TEA – We offer Black, Green, or Flavored- all fresh brewed daily
ITALIAN SODA – Carbonated water with your choice of flavor
COLD BREWED TODDY – One of our specialties! Cold brew concentrate, mixed with your choice of water or milk. Top it off with some cold foam or a flavor of your choice.

FRESH FRUIT SMOOTHIES – including: Strawberry, Banana, or Mixed Berry
MOCHA SMOOTHIE – Our custom recipe! Blended cold brewed toddy, vanilla, and rich dark chocolate
CARAMEL SMOOTHIE – Blended cold brewed toddy, vanilla, and caramel sauce
CHAI GRANITA – Our rich chai blended with ice with vanilla cream powder
CUSTOM FRAPPE – Have a coffee concoction you’d like us to make? Have a favorite candy bar? Our trained Baristas will make the drink of your dreams. Trust us. It’s what we do.